Meets Sunday mornings during the second half of Family Worship.
Serves children 5-11 years old.
Provides Biblical teaching through:
- Bible reading
- Biblically-based storybooks
- Video clips from
- The Visual Bible, Book of Matthew
- Visual Bible, The Gospel of John
- PowerPoint presentations
- Object Lessons
- Hands-on activities
- Discussions
- Skits
- Music
- Kazoos
- Rhythm Sticks
- Drums
- Singing

In 2012, children embarked on an in-depth study of Jesus. They learned about the birth of Jesus the previous December. Next they participated in a multi-week study on What Would Jesus Do? using segments of the movie WWJD. The study of Jesus continued in the spring, learning about His death and resurrection. Children celebrated Jesus' accession with a kite fly which parents and grandparents joined in after worship. Thereafter, children studied Jesus' different emotions and behaviors, such as when Jesus was angry with the moneychangers and merchants in the temple, and when He was sad with the mourners at the death of Lazarus. Children also learned that Jesus forgave, prayed, and served.
This spring children studied God's creation of plants, reading from Genesis 1:11-13,26-31. They studied the parts of plants and their complex living system, acknowledging God's amazing design. Besides providing food, children learned about the circular benefit that people and plants experience with the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. The children then filled plastic cups with potting soil, planted pansy seeds, watered them, and took them home to see what the tiny seeds would grow into when given water and sunshine.
As time permits, lesson plans, skits, plays, and other materials will be made available under this website's Resources tab.